Exercises for a Flat Stomach

A flat and toned abdomen is often the Holy Grail for dieters. No matter how many crunches or sit-ups you do that stubborn fat around your belly just doesn’t seem ready to leave.

You can be more prone to gaining weight around your midsection because of the genetics you inherited from your parents, because of the foods that you eat or even because of your gender. (To read more about why you store fat on your stomach,

But even those who have a higher propensity to store stomach fat can still get rid of excess fat and reveal a lean and sexy stomach with these workouts.

The Plank

Walking the plank might be a pirate’s worst nightmare but it can make all your dreams of a flat stomach come true.
Perform this workout by keeping your feet a couple inches apart with your elbows on the floor directly under your shoulders.
Make sure to keep your hips aligned with your shoulders and ankles so that your back isn’t hyperextended. Also, keep your abdominal muscles tight and engaged so you make sure to rely on your abs to keep yourself steady.

By holding this for one minute, repeated three times, you will develop longer and leaner abs than with crunches or sit-ups.

Rotating Lunge

This workout develops your obliques which not contribute to better posture and can define your waist and the outer edges of a six pack.
Grab one 5-10 pound dumbbell or kettlebell and stand with your feet slightly wider than hip’s width apart. Extend your arms so that your elbows are straight and your hands are in line with your shoulders.
Then lunge forward, starting with your right foot and bend so that your knee forms a 90 degree angle. Then twist your torso so that your hands almost run perpendicular to your thigh. Hold for 3 seconds.

As you rotate back make sure that you are engaging your entire core. Return to a standing position and repeat with the other leg. That is one rep. Try to do at least 10 reps on each leg.

Hip-Thigh Raise

You’ll start this workout lying on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle. Extend your arms so that your body is shaped like a “T.”

Engaging your glutes, lift your rear until your shoulders hips and knees are all in line with each other.
Then lift up one leg and pull it close to your chest. Hold it there, pulling up with your abdominal muscles while still lifting with your glutes and hamstrings, then release and return to the floor.

Repeat with your other leg for one rep. Do 10-15 reps for one set.

Supplement Your Workouts

For some people, lifestyle factors like genetics and diet are more powerful than even the best workout routine.
In this case, you could benefit from a natural fat burner that increases your body’s ability to turn fat stores into usable energy.
With less fat on your stomach, it will be easier to see the lean muscles that you can build with these stomach workouts.